As seen today, comments and views clearly says a lot about popular notions and opinions on personality traits and leadership qualities. We have heard many of the following cliché; “Leadership is ability”, “I’m a natural born leader”, “Leadership – it is not taught”, “Leaders are born”, and many more. These thoughts may be diverse, vast […]
Personality Extras
Extras on personalities, the psychologies involved and relationships and more.
Personality Types and Compatibility in Relationships
Let’s face the fact: Truthfully, some people just click with us – like it’s a union from heaven while there are others who we can barely tolerate. The incompatible ones go with us like immiscible liquids; hence a relationship with such people will be a huge disaster. A few method analyzes compatibility in relationships and […]
Personality Development and Social Adjustment
Personality development is the growth of organized patterns of attitudes, behaviors and thought sequences which makes a person unique. This process occurs naturally by interaction of character, temperament and environment. Personality of an individual makes him distinctive – different from others and this is recognized after birth. Specifically, personality is a sum total of temperament, […]
Zodiac Sign Characteristics and Personality Descriptions
Zodiac signs commit to an individual a collection of helpful and negative traits. These signs, nomenclatures and descriptions are products of series of studies and observations spanning many decades of research. Do individuals of same zodiac sign have similar personality descriptions? Absolutely, Yes! So, what are these signs? What are the likely beneficial and negative […]
Astrological Compatibility by Date of Birth and Time
Compatibility!! A key relationship substance that makes the world magical. Imagine a life without understanding each other. A life without understanding a spouse, colleague or an associate? Very impossible right? Compatibility plays a huge role in every human interpersonal relationship and it remains a main concern for anyone seeking any kind of relationship even romance. […]
Sun Sign Astrology, Zodiac Signs and Personality Traits
Studies and assumptions of the Sun sign astrology started with observations with the first star-gazers noticing an aggregation of stars sharing a number of similar characteristics. Over the years, these observations have been adapted and further expatiated to provide better meaning. In detail, there are twelve Sun signs each coming with its peculiar inclinations, motivations […]
Zodiac Sign Elements and Their Respective Meanings
The 12 Zodiac signs and their elements vary in meaning. By proxy, they influence each other to a large extent. The zodiac signs are mainly grouped into four sun sign elements namely – earth, fire, water and air. Coming with unique traits, they all make up the natural world with a bit of dependency on […]