cake quiz

All Ye Lovers Of Cakes And Desserts – This Special Cake Quiz Is For You …

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You definitely will not want to miss that yummy feeling it gives. Cakes are baked, sweetened foods similar to bread in appearance. With slight variations from bread, they come in many forms and taste; all to the delight of its numerous lovers.

Historically, “cake”— the name is of Viking origin, traced to the Old Norse word “Kaka”. The history is deep and profound. During ancient Greeks periods, cakes were likened to foods baked using flour mixed with milk, eggs, honey and nuts. Other food similar to this was “Satura” and “Placenta”; they were flat heavy cake. Tristia, a book of exile by the Latin poet Ovid documented cake– for the first time. In fact, the old Roman time also mentioned a bread dough made via a process similar to cake. In England, cakes were likened to bread but with slight variations in size and cooking method.

Cakes can be served as main course of a meal or desserts (foods that conclude a meal). In its actual sense, desserts are usually sweet foods that may include confections, biscuits, cookies, pastries, sweet soups, ice creams, tarts and so on. Desserts may also come with beverage (wine or liqueur), coffee, nuts or cheese. However, the practice of having desserts to conclude a meal remains strange in many regions of the world. Conversely, desserts originated from a French word “desservir” and it means to clear the table. William Vaughan, in 1600 was the first to use the term “desserts”— and He explained it as a meal served immediately after table (or a main course meal) has been cleared.

Notably, the origin of cakes and desserts may differ but the ingredients rarely do. In addition to known constituents of cakes and desserts, other ingredients may be added and these includes palm sugar, cane sugar, honey or syrups, cooking fats and flavoring agents. Cakes, served either as main course or desserts are tender flour and can vary from spongy and light to dense or airy cakes – all appearing in diverse shapes and sizes. Naturally, cakes are filled with fruit preserves or sauces, iced buttercreams, marzipan decorations or fruits (candied).

With regards to type (or classification) of cakes, nutritionists believe there is no precise classification but with ingredients and techniques of mixing, cakes can be categorized into butter sponge, chiffon, chocolate, coffee, cheesecakes and yeast cakes. Also, cakes have been classified based on the occasions for which they are intended. In this case, wedding, first communion, birthday, Halloween, Christmas and Passover cakes readily comes to mind.

Certainly, cakes regardless of size – either served as main meal or dessert gives that nourishing, yummy feeling. Think you know your cake as you claim? Then try this cake quiz before that next bite.

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